
Posts Tagged ‘India Tree

It’s my first review and giveaway!  FunBites was generous enough to offer me the opportunity to try one of their FunBites cutters.  I chose the Luv It heart shaped cutter to review, and they also will be giving one away to one of my lucky readers!  Details below for this giveaway and a few others too!

A few of the first things I noticed when it arrived was that it was made in the USA. Who doesn’t love supporting a business that keeps their money and employees right here at home?  The next was that it’s a fun bright color which my kids were instantly attracted to, wanted to play with and wanted to try out.  The most important thing as a mom is that the product is sturdy.  I let the 2 and 3 year old have a go at it, and I honestly don’t think they could scratch or break it if they tried.  It’s a very well-made product and washes very easily.  As a bento-making mom I also want something functional that give me options.   It also has a “popper” to pop your food out without having to poke at it and ruin the shape.   I like the fun heart shape that it makes, and I wanted to try to find other things to make from it.

For little Miss G I chose to separate the large heart, turn it upside down and make some sailboats out of it.  The boats were cut out of two pieces of whole grain bread & filling was done after the cutting with almond butter & jam.  I cut a piece of Veggy  brand “cheese” to make the sun and fish.  The “water” is barley colored with India Tree natural food coloring.  I also used the FunBites cutter for the mango pieces in the green cup and the strawberries in the blue cup below.  Her lunch is packed in an Easy Lunch Box.

For Little Miss A I chose an ice cream cone theme.  Again, the FunBites cutter washed off quickly with little scrubbing for reuse.  Her bread was also cut from 2 pieces of whole grain bread and filled with almond butter & jam after cutting.  I used the cutter with a sweet & sara brand vegan marshmallow cut in half for the “ice cream”  and shook on some fun sprinkles. Both are topped with a fruit leather heart shaped “cherry”.  Inbetween the cones are dried apricots cut from the very same cutter.  The pink heart container has raisins in it.  At the top right is a clementine with a fruit leather heart and below are all watermelon pieces and a pineapple chunk all cut with the FunBites Luv It.  Her lunch is also packed in an Easy Lunch Box.

Now to WIN one of your own!

This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

You will receive one entry for each of the following things you do:

1. “LIKE” Bentoriffic‘s Facebook page.  If you’ve already done so, just leave me a comment that you’ve done so.

2. “LIKE” FunBites Facebook page

3. Follow my blog on WordPress by adding your email to the list,

and leave me a comment that you’ve done it.

4. Share my Bentoriffic post from today on your Facebook wall.

A winner will be chosen at random this on March 11th at 11:59pm EST, and the winner will be announced Monday, March 12th

for 1 Luv It! cutter of your own.

Winner will be responsible for contacting me within 24 hours (Tuesday, March 13th), or I will redraw for another winner.

Please check out the links below for my other blogger friends below for more giveaways!

Bobbi’s Bentos has a chance to win another Luv It! cutter

Lunches with Love has a third chance to win a Luv It! cutter.

Bent On Better Lunches has a chance to win Healthy Habits plates from Super Healthy Kids

Family Fresh Meals has a chance to win a 3 month free subscription to MOMables.

Bento School Lunches has a chance to win a Coach purse!

Veggie-Bento has a chance to win a FunBits Luv It! cutter.

Good luck, everyone!

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