
Posts Tagged ‘kite

If I had kept up with the paperwork that comes home from school, I would have known about kite day earlier!  Instead, Miss G’s teacher was kind enough to remind me yesterday.  I had another transportation lunch planned, but I decided to reroute.  It’s actually the perfect idea because my little girls have been very into Mary Poppins lately so I was thinking about the song, “Let’s Go Fly A Kite”.    I did a FunBites giveaway a few weeks back, and I had a kite idea that I didn’t use. The two kites at the bottom were cut using the FunBites Luv It! cutter.

FunBites Luv It!

At the top left are pineapple chunks cut with the FunBites Luv It cutter and topped with a heart strawberry.  To the right is Sabra hummus in an orange flower cup.  The heart in the middle is a snow pea, on the KITE picks are edamame and below are mini carrots for dipping in the hummus.  The bottom 2 kite sandwiches are made on Rudi’s Nut & Oat bread cute with the FunBites Luv It! cutter which can be found through their site or on Amazon.  Both have almond cutter & strawberry jam inside.  The kite to the left is topped with Veggy brand soy cheese, and the clouds are also made from the same cheese.  The kite strings are made from black rice vermicelli.  Miss G’s lunch is pack in an Easy Lunch Box, and she has ice water with her lunch.  In keeping with our new diet, her whole lunch is plant-based and vegan.

Below are the other lunches I made with the same cutter.  The giveaway is over, but there will be another one coming up soon so please stay tuned!  FunBites Fun Food Ideas for Kids (and big kids)

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