
Rainbow week

Posted on: April 10, 2012

I looked at the school calendar yesterday and realized it’s rainbow week at the girls’ school.  I didn’t have anything naturally blue today so I just left it out & put food in blue cups instead rather than coloring something blue.  Boring, I know.

The coolest thing in the lunches is the bread which, admittedly, I did not make.  I have to give full credit and mad props to my baking envy of Astrid over at Lunch Fit For A Kid.  I have seen her amazing baking skills from breads to cakes and homemade rolls.  This girl can BAKE!  So I begged, and pleaded and bribed her to make me a loaf of her rainbow pan de mie.  Please click on the link here for her recipe for the Rainbow Pan de Mie.  She “veganized” it for me by using soy milk in place of the cow’s milk whey.  It was even more beautiful than I’d seen in her blogs, and my kids went nuts over it.  I even made vegan Easter french toast with it this past Sunday, and it was yummy!  I am not a great baker, and so I was extra grateful to have Astrid make something so special for my family.  Thanks again!

Here’s how our loaf turned out:

And this is Miss G’s lunch today.  From the bottom left up, she has strawberries, a mandarin orange, pineapple chunks and yellow pear tomatoes from our garden.  At the top left in the blue cup are sauteed broccoli & cauliflower, green pear tomatoes and kohlrabi slices in the middle for the purple.  I’m betting they won’t get eaten, but the rule in our house is that she has to at least TRY it.  At top right are three prunes surrounding some organic Lemon Snap spelt cookies that I found at Whole Foods.  And at the bottom right is her tulip sandwich on the rainbow bread filled with almond butter and jam all packed in her Easy Lunch Box.

Little A had her own version of a rainbow lunch today. This week is also the letter “U” so her tiny sandwich is a U.  From the top left clockwise, she has strawberries, half of a mandarin orange, at top right are leftover pieces of a Quorn brand meatless & soy free Vegan burger, her rainbow “U” almond butter & jam sandwich, dried cherries, kohlrabi, and pineapple and honeydew melon in the middle packed in her LunchBots Duo.

Lastly is my husband’s salad for lunch.  He is in on the rainbow theme too.  He has a spinach and baby greens salad.  On top are red bell peppers, orange heirloom tomatoes, yellow zucchini, spinach, raddichio, and kohlrabi on top packed in his LunchBots Uno.  Everyone in our family totes CamelBak bottles with filtered ice water throughout the day.

For more great rainbow ideas, please go visit The Rainbow Connection at Bent On Better Lunches.

5 Responses to "Rainbow week"

I love this! Everything! You’re amazing 🙂
Thanks for linking to the Rainbow Connection!

Not amazing, I learn well from the best examples. A-hem! I am grateful to have other bento buddies 🙂

1) The bread is amazing – even “veganized”, lol
2) what you did WITH it is even more amazing
3) I want that salad!! it looks so good!!!

You are too sweet. Astrid is amazing. I don’t have the baking skills OR the patience to bake like her. If you were closer, I’d make you a salad 🙂 AND take Little Miss to meet Bubba at the farm where they grow all that stuff!

LOL, that’d be awesome – to all of the above! 😉

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