
Posts Tagged ‘dairyfree

Today is an important day.  Not the day to be apathetic & say that your voice doesn’t make a difference.  It does.  As Americans, we have the great privilege of living in a country that allows us freedoms and rights that were fought for and earned.  Regardless of who you will vote for, please go today and exercise your rights!


I made Miss G a patriotic bento today.  She has grilled non-dairy grilled cheese (Daiya brand) sandwiches on whole grain and pumpernickel with 2 tiny crimson gold apples and a Liberty Bell pick, dried apricots and an Easy LunchBoxes mini dippers container with cashews.  In the top left compartment are yellow and red grape tomatoes and at the top right is vegan pesto pasta with an American flag pick packed in her Easy LunchBoxes container.

Miss G’s snack from the top left are carambola/star fruit slices, a peeled clementine, star shaped watermelon pieces and plum slices in her LunchBots Uno.

Miss A has her scaled down version of the same lunch.  From the top left she has sliced strawberries, vegan pesto pasta, watermelon stars and Daiya grilled (dairy free) cheese sandwiches.

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