
Posts Tagged ‘chocolate lab

If I haven’t raved about them enough, The LunchPunch makes some of the greatest sandwich cutters out there.  They are cute, they waste little bread, they’re sturdy and they save SO much time with lunches!  This one is Rudi’s Nut and Oat bread with a pumpernickel dog piece in the middle.  I used bread crust for his collar and the flowers cutouts are from the apple at the top left and a tree trunk pick.  On the dog picks on either side are green seedless grapes.  The top left is an apple tree with flower cutouts and more green grapes underneath.  At the top right are watermelon fire hydrants because we all know dogs are drawn to them!

Miss G’s snack today is sugar snap peas, grape tomatoes and mini carrots.

And Little Miss A is doing the letter C this week so the topic of the week was the circus.  From the bottom left is a round clown face sandwich.  The eyes are vegan chocolate chips, the nose is a dried apricot, the cheeks are raspberries, the mouth is Stretch Island fruit leather and the hair is Shirataki brand tofu pasta.  The hat above is watermelon and cantaloupe triangles surrounded by green grapes.  At the top right are mini carrots and a honeydew melon elephant with a pick hat. He’s standing on a circus stand below made of watermelon and cantaloupe with circus themed picks of the big top, another elephant and a seal in her LunchBots Quad.

Things I used to make this lunch:

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