
Posts Tagged ‘made in the USA

I have a lot going on this week.  It’s the first week my kids are off school, it is my 1 year bloggiversary on June 2nd, and my sister is having her 1st baby today!   She’s not here yet, but I know she’s a lucky and beautiful girl already.  Welcome to the world, precious girl!

To celebrate my 1 year anniversary of bentoriffic, I must thank FunBites for their generosity and doing another giveaway.  There are 2 cutters available from FunBites.  The Cube It FunBites cutter is on the left and the Luv It! FunBites cutter is on the right.  You can also find them now in Bed, Bath & Beyond.  You’ll be supporting a family owned business who makes there products right here in the United States.  My winner will get to choose which one of these they would like.  I am always finding new ways to use them!

Since we’re my 1 year anniversary as a blog, I want to thank my friends and fans for all their support.  I love you toast with fresh fruit for breakfast anyone?  The small heart flowers are cantaloupe and watermelon.   The heart in the middle of the toast is fruit leather.  I used both the FunBites Luv It and Cube It cutters for the meal below.

More heart flowers for lunch using FunBites Luv It cutter.  At top left is chickpea hummus with a clover pick, at the top right are watermelon hearts.  The bottom part of the Easy Lunch Box has crackers for dipping in the hummus, next to the crackers are mango hearts, at bottom right are cantaloupe hearts and the bottom left has a sandwich topped with soy cheese hearts.

And a baby carriage sandwich today with a baby panda to celebrate my sister and her husband’s new arrival today!  A sandwich made from both the FunBites Luv It and Cube It cutters.  At the top left are pineapple and cantaloupe cubes and at the top right are pear cubes both cut with the Cube It FunBites cutter.  The baby carriage sandwich is an almond butter and jam on whole grain bread cut from the FunBites Luv It cutter .  The small hearts at the top are dried apricots.  The baby lunch is also packed in an Easy Lunch Box.

Now for the giveaway! 

Here’s how to win your choice of a Luv It OR Cube It cutter from FunBites.  You must submit separate entries for each one of these items to increase your chances to win your choice of one of the cutters.

1. YOU MUST “LIKE” FunBites on Facebook

2. YOU MUST “LIKE” Bentoriffic on Facebook

Optional entries:

3. “SHARE” this post on Facebook

4. Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link to your blog in my comments

5. Follow me on my blog by subscribing to my wordpress posts.


This contest will go through midnight on Friday, June 8th, 2012.  I will choose a winner by and contact you.  You will have 48 hours to respond, or I will choose a new winner.

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