
Posts Tagged ‘sweet peppers

My kids love Play Doh.  I really hate the mess it leaves.  What I DO love is the Play Doh cutters.  As a bento lunch freak, I look at everything as an idea for a lunch.  I have used Play Doh and play kitchen cutters (well washed, of course) to cut kid foods before.  I used a cookie cutter this sandwich to make the princess crown.  The sandwich is Justin’s Almond Butter & Jam on Rudi’s whole grain bread.  I also stuck a few candy hearts on the crown for the jewels with almond butter.  At the top left are kiwi flowers and the top right are watermelon shoes and magic mirrors for my little princess.

This time of year seems to drain many of us having to buy new shoes, school supplies, uniforms, tuition and just paying for growing kids in general.  Cristi from BentOnBetterLunches did a great post on how to make budget bentos.  She is a mom of 5, and has such a wonderful eye for organization, fresh ideas and keeping kids well fed.  I love that she finds use out of every day items like Play Doh cutters, paper muffin cups and rubberbands that make great bento items.  Her post here on Budget Bento by BentOnBetterLunches can help give you some creative ideas for lunches without spending a penny!  Thanks for the inspiration, Cristi.

Little Miss A, my 2 year old, is having mini square sandwiches.  She has been licking the filling off of the bigger sandwiches I made for her and leaving the bread.  When I switched to something more bite sized, she seems to pop the whole thing in her mouth.  I used the FunBites Cube It cutter to cut the bread and then filled the sandwiches.  In the middle is a silicone heart shaped container with seasoned pumpkin seeds.  The sandwiches are surrounded by dried cranberries.  At the top left are raspberries with a kiwi heart on top and at the top right are watermelon flowers.  The lunch is packed in a LunchBots Duo stainless container.

Chevrons have resurfaced in design, fashion and now I’m putting them into my food.  I love them.  The bright colored Vs in this salad are all different colored sweet peppers.  Underneath the salad is baby spinach and around the salad are cucumber flowers packed in an Easy LunchBox.  At the top left are carrot & celery sticks and at the top right are fresh nectarine slices & raspberries.

Don’t forget to enter my reusable straws and lids giveaway by GreenPaxx.


Things I used to make this lunch:

I couldn’t resist.  The girls have Mouse fever.  Like Hello Kitty, they can never get enough of Disney.  I found some Mickey & Minnie sandwich cutters on eBay, and I had to have them.  I made them chocolate almond butter and agave nectar sandwiches with fresh fruit.  From the top are pineapple, pear, mango and apple mice inbetween the sandwiches.   I found the fabulous vintage looking plate on clearance at my local Target store.

I rely on a few websites for great tasting, vegan recipes.  This one is adapted from Oh She Glows. Angela Liddon has amazing, original recipes that taste great.   This one’s called the Back On Track Wheat Berry and Bean Salad.  You can revise it how you like as I did.  I had spelt berries and garbanzo beans in the pantry which is what I used.  I love extra vegetables so I used lots of grape tomatoes, cucumbers, 3 colors of sweet peppers and green onions.  The dressing is also by taste.  It’s a great, filling salad for summer or a potluck dish too.

My husband is having a mixed green salad with broccoli sprouts along the sides.  On top of the sprouts along the edges are sweet red peppers and cucumber Os.  His side of spelt berry salad is at the top right and heart shaped strawberries at the top left packed in his Easy LunchBox container.

Things I used to make this lunch:

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