
Posts Tagged ‘cornbread muffin

Last week one of my friends posted a photo of kiwi berries.  I had never seen or heard of them so it was a must find for me!  We love kiwi, and I was hoping the flavor was similar.  I was lucky enough to find them at a stand at the local farmer’s market.  They only had a few, but I’ll be back for more after trying them!

Here’s what they look like inside.  They are the size of grapes and sweet like kiwi without the fuzzy exterior.  Just pop them in like grapes and eat.  They have a very short season so if you’re lucky enough to find them, buy them and enjoy!

Both girls had the same wraps today for lunch.  From the top left are raspberries and 3 kiwi berries on top.  Inbetween the 2 cups are mini carrots and at the top right is a cup of lemon orzo.  In the bottom container are red seedless grapes and the veggie wrap pinwheels.  They are Rudi’s brand whole grain spelt tortillas.  I used a homemade sunflower seed spread and added julienned carrots and steamed edamame.

Below are Miss G’s snacks for school.  The top are watermelon flowers and the bottom is a cup of sprouted pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries mixed and grape tomatoes.

From the top left are red seedless grapes with sliced strawberries on top.  In the top right compartment are kiwi berries, 2 pieces of corn shaped mini cornbread muffins and 3 grape tomatoes.  At the bottom right are watermelon and d’anjou pear flowers, and in the bottom left are the same edamame and carrot wraps at the bottom right packed in her LunchBots Quad.

Things I used to make this lunch:

Today is the first day back to school for us.  Not sure that I’m feeling quite ready for this, but here we go.  These lunches are from last week’s playdate at a friend’s house.  Tomorrow I will post the back to school lunches.  I got 2 new sandwich makers to try.  The first one is from Bento USA by All Things For Sale.  I saw a lunch that they did, and I thought it was the cutest thing.

Expect more pandas from us throughout the school year!  This makes sandwich pockets and even toast cute for your little picky eaters.  Fill the panda face with vegetables or fillings to make them different colors or simply use different kinds of bread.

I was in a rush so I went for simple.   The panda sandwich is on Rudi’s Whole Grain bread with Justin’s Almond Butter and strawberries in the middle.  A homemade mini vegan cornbread muffin is above the sandwich and heart shaped strawberries.  At the top left are organic raspberries with vegan chocolate chips in the middle and panda baran.  At the top right are sliced red seedless grapes and sliced dried apricots packed in an Easy LunchBoxes.

And I got a new sandwich cutter from Pampered Chef friend.  It’s called the cut & seal & makes uncrustable looking sandwich pockets.  I get the feeling I’ll be using this one a lot as makes things quick for me, and I can easily make sandwiches ahead of time and freeze them!

I decided to make a pig out of it for Little Miss 4  year old.  I used candy eyes and the heel of the bread is great for dark accents (the nose and ears).  She also has a vegan mini cornbread muffin and blueberries.  At the top are carrots and Tufutti sour cream for dipping in the small pig container.  At the top right are strawberry hearts with a raspberry in the middle and pig pick packed in her Easy LunchBox.

I packed myself a plain almond butter sandwich and a LunchBots Duo full of fruit.  From the top left are fresh, local Florida mango chunks, blueberries, rasperries and mini carrots.

Things I used to make this lunch:

I am not posting for the rest of the week so I can spend time with my family for a long weekend.  Just wanted to wish everyone a happy and safe 4th!

Miss G had a large star made from Rudi’s Whole Grain bread and a pumpernickel star sandwich.  Next to that she has a star container of organic cherries.  At the top left is a homemade mini pumpkin spice muffin.  I cut a star out of the top and filled it with a small bit of vegan cream cheese.  At the top right are watermelon and cantaloupe stars packed in her Easy Lunch Box.

Little Miss A had her version of the same with stacked peek-a-boo star sandwiches.  Above the sandwich is the same homemade mini pumpkin spice muffin with a small star of vegan cream cheese in the top and a star of cherries. At the top left she has blueberries sprinkled with raw goji berries on top.  At the top right she has cantaloupe and watermelon stars packed in her Easy Lunch Box.

My husband got in on the festivities with as much flair as I could pull off in his salad.  His salad is baby kale & spinach topped with sunflower seeds, zucchini stars and cherry tomatoes.  At the top left is a black plum and at the top right is a homemade vegan cornbread muffin all packed in his Easy Lunch Box.

Things I used to make this lunch:

My girls are learning about Florida today.  Miss G was asked to dress like a tourist at preschool to celebrate things about our state.   Since I recently did two lunches showing where the state is, I decided to make things that they like & see often.   The mockingbird is our state bird.  We feed the birds at our house, and a mockingbird sits atop the large oak tree in our front yard and sings most days.  It imitates the songs of many other birds so it’s pretty to listen to.  They are also fierce protectors of their nests so if we (or the dogs) get too close, they will swoop down & chirp at us to give us a warning.

The mockingbird is made from Rudi’s Whole Grain bread.  And the wings and tail feathers are the heel of the loaf.  Its eye and beak are made from fruit leather. His leg & tree branches are made from pretzel sticks and the leaves are unsalted pumpkin seeds stuck on with almond butter.  Next to the bird is a mandarin orange peeled at one end to make a sun since Florida is the Sunshine State.  At the top left in an orange cup (the orange blossom is our state flower) is a cornbread muffin and at the top right are locally grown blueberries from King Family Farm and Market and organic raspberries with an umbrella pick.  Her lunch is packed in an Easy Lunch Box.

And Miss A gets a flamingo today.  Flamingo “stuff” is sold in every tourist shop in our state.  When I first visited Florida over 20 years ago, I was shocked to not see one flamingo.   They aren’t native here, but we see plenty of them at our local attractions.  If you’re visiting here, Sarasota Jungle Gardens is a fun place to visit in Sarasota.  They have many flamingos that walk around the grounds, and the kids can hand-feed them.  They are also at the Tampa Lowry Park Zoo where we spend a lot of time.  So even if they’re not native, we do get to see them often.  It is a rare thing if we see them anywhere in the wild, and in fact they are mostly in the Florida Keys and Miami area.  Other than that you won’t really see them here if you’re here for vacation.

Miss A’s flamingo was made of the same Rudi’s Whole Grain bread.  I stuck some pink sprinkles on with agave nectar.  The state tree of Florida is the sabal palm (also known as the cabbage palm) so her palm tree trunk is made from dates and coconut flakes, and the palm fronds are honeydew melon.  At the top left are orange blossom cups with blueberries and raspberries, and at the top right is a mini cornbread muffin with a flamingo pick packed in her Easy Lunch Box.

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