
Posts Tagged ‘Luv It

My girls are at home with me during they day so unless we have an outing, we’re not packing many bento-style lunches these days.  Miss G is under the weather with a fever so we’re on quarantine for a few days too until she’s well.

Today Miss A asked more more little sandwiches.  I have some great options from my sets that I got from Bento USA.  I used the flower cutter from this set for her little flower sandwiches.  Click on the picture for the link to their site.

Miss A had Tofurkey deli slices on Rudi’s Whole Grain bread.  I used zucchini for the white flowers and the leftover rind for the stems of the flowers.  From the top left are Way Better brand Simply Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips (they have chia seeds and quinoa in them!), watermelon flowers and a flower of guacamole for dipping on the right.

Miss Sicky has a flop of a lunch.  I really meant to take some time with the teapot, but the more I tried the worse it looked.  Sometimes the image in my head is much prettier than the lunch itself. The teapot sandwich is a Tofurkey deli slice sandwich on Rudi’s Whole Grain bread.  The top is a slice of Vegan brand cheese.  I stared with a food coloring marker, and it went down hill from there.  I ripped the teapot handle, and I had to cover up some messy polka dots with some bad-for-you heart sprinkles to salvage it.  At the top left are watermelon flowers and at the top right are zucchini flowers.  The best part with little kids is that they even love the failures.

For all the smaller flowers, I use the flower cutter from this set of small cutters that I have.  I get lots of questions about which tools I use the most so I’m trying to include photos and links to those products for those who are interested.  I love these cutters because they never rust, they’re very easy to clean, and you can use them for just about any food item you want to cut.  If you click on the photo, it will take you to Bento USA’s site for more bento accessories.

Today is the last day to enter to win my FunBites Giveaway.

Click on the link below and be sure to use separate comments for each chance to win your choice of the Luv It or Cube It cutter.

FunBites Giveaway

Stay tuned for another giveaway right around the corner!!!  Wishing everyone a fabulous weekend.

I have a lot going on this week.  It’s the first week my kids are off school, it is my 1 year bloggiversary on June 2nd, and my sister is having her 1st baby today!   She’s not here yet, but I know she’s a lucky and beautiful girl already.  Welcome to the world, precious girl!

To celebrate my 1 year anniversary of bentoriffic, I must thank FunBites for their generosity and doing another giveaway.  There are 2 cutters available from FunBites.  The Cube It FunBites cutter is on the left and the Luv It! FunBites cutter is on the right.  You can also find them now in Bed, Bath & Beyond.  You’ll be supporting a family owned business who makes there products right here in the United States.  My winner will get to choose which one of these they would like.  I am always finding new ways to use them!

Since we’re my 1 year anniversary as a blog, I want to thank my friends and fans for all their support.  I love you toast with fresh fruit for breakfast anyone?  The small heart flowers are cantaloupe and watermelon.   The heart in the middle of the toast is fruit leather.  I used both the FunBites Luv It and Cube It cutters for the meal below.

More heart flowers for lunch using FunBites Luv It cutter.  At top left is chickpea hummus with a clover pick, at the top right are watermelon hearts.  The bottom part of the Easy Lunch Box has crackers for dipping in the hummus, next to the crackers are mango hearts, at bottom right are cantaloupe hearts and the bottom left has a sandwich topped with soy cheese hearts.

And a baby carriage sandwich today with a baby panda to celebrate my sister and her husband’s new arrival today!  A sandwich made from both the FunBites Luv It and Cube It cutters.  At the top left are pineapple and cantaloupe cubes and at the top right are pear cubes both cut with the Cube It FunBites cutter.  The baby carriage sandwich is an almond butter and jam on whole grain bread cut from the FunBites Luv It cutter .  The small hearts at the top are dried apricots.  The baby lunch is also packed in an Easy Lunch Box.

Now for the giveaway! 

Here’s how to win your choice of a Luv It OR Cube It cutter from FunBites.  You must submit separate entries for each one of these items to increase your chances to win your choice of one of the cutters.

1. YOU MUST “LIKE” FunBites on Facebook

2. YOU MUST “LIKE” Bentoriffic on Facebook

Optional entries:

3. “SHARE” this post on Facebook

4. Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link to your blog in my comments

5. Follow me on my blog by subscribing to my wordpress posts.


This contest will go through midnight on Friday, June 8th, 2012.  I will choose a winner by and contact you.  You will have 48 hours to respond, or I will choose a new winner.

What better way to say you love your mother than to win a fun kitchen tool?  Or one that will help kids to make their own meals!  I was introduced to FunBites a few months back when they were kind enough to include me in doing a review for the Luv It cutter.

FunBites wants to celebrate Mother’s Day with my readers by giving away one of their cutters.  The winner may choose which cutter they want.  Please read the end of this post to find out how to win one of these!

I must admit that the first time I got the FunBites Luv It cutter, I played with it for a few minutes.  Then my creative brain took over.  My kids didn’t need any time to decide to play.  They still think it’s a fun toy.  Luckily, it is also seriously durable and washes clean quickly.  I am not afraid to let them have the FunBites cutters to experiment.  Yes, it’s been chucked across the table, accidentally dropped and well used by my 2 and 4 year old, and both cutters still look like new.  NOT that I recommend trying it, but with toddlers anything can happen.  The best part is that once you show them, even the littlest kids can use it to help make their own snacks.  Mine LOVE creating shapes and playing with the pieces of bread, fruit, pitas or anything cut out of these fun food cutters.

One of the most important parts of the piece for me when spending money on my family is the kind of business I support.  If you don’t think about who you’re buying from, you should.  FunBites is a family-owned business started by a mom just like you and me.  Their products are made of safe, BPA-free, non-leaching plastics, and are made in the USA supporting families here.  Please check out their brief story here: FunBites-Our Story.

Here is one of the FunBites lunches I recently did:

FunBites Kite Lunch

For Mother’s Day, I thought it would be great to think of all the things we do.   Without mom’s a house is just a house, but with love and care it becomes the place your heart and home are.  The cantaloupe at the top left was cut with the Cube It FunBites cutter.  At the top right is guacamole in the yellow flower cup.  In the green clover cup are small, square tortilla chips I made with the Cube It FunBites cutter (see how below!)  The sandwich is Justin’s almond butter & strawberry jam on Ezekiel bread all cut with the FunBites Luv It cutter shapes.  The sun’s rays are soy cheese cut with the same cutter, and the hearts are fruit leather cut from the FunBites Luv It cutter too.

So for the homemade tortilla chips, I cut a whole grain tortilla (also pita bread or flatbread is easy for these too) with the Cube It FunBites cutter.  I placed them on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.  Then I lightly misted grapeseed oil (or any oil, just go easy with it) over the pieces and lightly sprinkled garlic powder over them.  I placed them in the oven on my low broiler setting and placed in the middle of the oven.  As long as you’re watching them, you can do this at 300-350 too.  They take about 5-7 minutes depending on your oven.  Again, just make sure to watch them.  Because they’re small pieces, they brown quickly.  My kids like the garlic chips with guacamole and hummus.  You can do the same thing and use cinnamon instead of the garlic powder.

Here’s how they turned out:

And then I arranged them into a fun flowery snack with some hummus:

Don’t forget to do something special for yourself this weekend if you’re a mom!

Here’s how to win your choice of a Luv It or Cube It cutter from FunBites.  You must submit separate entries for each one of these items to receive separate chances to win.

1. YOU MUST “LIKE” FunBites on Facebook

2. YOU MUST “LIKE” Bentoriffic on Facebook

Optional entries:

3. “SHARE” this post on Facebook

4. Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link to your blog in my comments

5. Follow me on my blog by subscribing to my wordpress posts.


This contest will go through midnight on Thursday, May 10th, 2012 at 10pm.  I will choose a winner by and contact you.  You will have 48 hours to respond, or I will choose a new winner.
Wishing everyone a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend!

If I had kept up with the paperwork that comes home from school, I would have known about kite day earlier!  Instead, Miss G’s teacher was kind enough to remind me yesterday.  I had another transportation lunch planned, but I decided to reroute.  It’s actually the perfect idea because my little girls have been very into Mary Poppins lately so I was thinking about the song, “Let’s Go Fly A Kite”.    I did a FunBites giveaway a few weeks back, and I had a kite idea that I didn’t use. The two kites at the bottom were cut using the FunBites Luv It! cutter.

FunBites Luv It!

At the top left are pineapple chunks cut with the FunBites Luv It cutter and topped with a heart strawberry.  To the right is Sabra hummus in an orange flower cup.  The heart in the middle is a snow pea, on the KITE picks are edamame and below are mini carrots for dipping in the hummus.  The bottom 2 kite sandwiches are made on Rudi’s Nut & Oat bread cute with the FunBites Luv It! cutter which can be found through their site or on Amazon.  Both have almond cutter & strawberry jam inside.  The kite to the left is topped with Veggy brand soy cheese, and the clouds are also made from the same cheese.  The kite strings are made from black rice vermicelli.  Miss G’s lunch is pack in an Easy Lunch Box, and she has ice water with her lunch.  In keeping with our new diet, her whole lunch is plant-based and vegan.

Below are the other lunches I made with the same cutter.  The giveaway is over, but there will be another one coming up soon so please stay tuned!  FunBites Fun Food Ideas for Kids (and big kids)

I used to select the winner for the FunBites Luv It! cutter.

FunBites Luv It!

And the winner it selected is:


Barbara G. “I have done all of the above! Yay, I hope I win :) .”

Well, you did!  You have 24 hours to send me your info.  Congratulations!

Thank you to all who read my blog, entered visited from other blogs and Facebook.  I look forward to many more giveaways in the future!

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s St. Patrick’s Day themed blog hop!

It’s my first review and giveaway!  FunBites was generous enough to offer me the opportunity to try one of their FunBites cutters.  I chose the Luv It heart shaped cutter to review, and they also will be giving one away to one of my lucky readers!  Details below for this giveaway and a few others too!

A few of the first things I noticed when it arrived was that it was made in the USA. Who doesn’t love supporting a business that keeps their money and employees right here at home?  The next was that it’s a fun bright color which my kids were instantly attracted to, wanted to play with and wanted to try out.  The most important thing as a mom is that the product is sturdy.  I let the 2 and 3 year old have a go at it, and I honestly don’t think they could scratch or break it if they tried.  It’s a very well-made product and washes very easily.  As a bento-making mom I also want something functional that give me options.   It also has a “popper” to pop your food out without having to poke at it and ruin the shape.   I like the fun heart shape that it makes, and I wanted to try to find other things to make from it.

For little Miss G I chose to separate the large heart, turn it upside down and make some sailboats out of it.  The boats were cut out of two pieces of whole grain bread & filling was done after the cutting with almond butter & jam.  I cut a piece of Veggy  brand “cheese” to make the sun and fish.  The “water” is barley colored with India Tree natural food coloring.  I also used the FunBites cutter for the mango pieces in the green cup and the strawberries in the blue cup below.  Her lunch is packed in an Easy Lunch Box.

For Little Miss A I chose an ice cream cone theme.  Again, the FunBites cutter washed off quickly with little scrubbing for reuse.  Her bread was also cut from 2 pieces of whole grain bread and filled with almond butter & jam after cutting.  I used the cutter with a sweet & sara brand vegan marshmallow cut in half for the “ice cream”  and shook on some fun sprinkles. Both are topped with a fruit leather heart shaped “cherry”.  Inbetween the cones are dried apricots cut from the very same cutter.  The pink heart container has raisins in it.  At the top right is a clementine with a fruit leather heart and below are all watermelon pieces and a pineapple chunk all cut with the FunBites Luv It.  Her lunch is also packed in an Easy Lunch Box.

Now to WIN one of your own!

This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

You will receive one entry for each of the following things you do:

1. “LIKE” Bentoriffic‘s Facebook page.  If you’ve already done so, just leave me a comment that you’ve done so.

2. “LIKE” FunBites Facebook page

3. Follow my blog on WordPress by adding your email to the list,

and leave me a comment that you’ve done it.

4. Share my Bentoriffic post from today on your Facebook wall.

A winner will be chosen at random this on March 11th at 11:59pm EST, and the winner will be announced Monday, March 12th

for 1 Luv It! cutter of your own.

Winner will be responsible for contacting me within 24 hours (Tuesday, March 13th), or I will redraw for another winner.

Please check out the links below for my other blogger friends below for more giveaways!

Bobbi’s Bentos has a chance to win another Luv It! cutter

Lunches with Love has a third chance to win a Luv It! cutter.

Bent On Better Lunches has a chance to win Healthy Habits plates from Super Healthy Kids

Family Fresh Meals has a chance to win a 3 month free subscription to MOMables.

Bento School Lunches has a chance to win a Coach purse!

Veggie-Bento has a chance to win a FunBits Luv It! cutter.

Good luck, everyone!

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