
Posts Tagged ‘clementines

One of my favorite things to do when I have a moment of spare time is to find local grocers with imported foods and dive in.  I have found some tiny grocers in my town hidden in small strip plazas and off the beaten path.  One of my favorites is a small Asian grocer.  I’ve discovered vegetable and fruits I’ve never seen, foods that aren’t normally available here and more importantly some inspiration to look at food a little differently.  A few weeks ago we tried Forbidden Rice which has a heavier feel to it and is black in color.  This time I found black rice pasta.   It looks jet black before it’s cooked and then it takes on a purplish hue once it’s cooked.  It’s gluten free, allergy friendly and makes the same old dishes more interesting.

Miss G has black rice pasta mixed with a bit of Earth Balance coconut spread.  I sauteed some Field Grain vegetable sausages to go with the pasta and made a face of it.  The “hair” is vegan parmesan, eyes and nose are roma and grape tomatoes and the sausage pieces are the mouth.  In the top left compartment are dried cherries and cashews and at the top right are black seedless grapes packed in her Easy LunchBoxes container.

In her Happy Tiffin stainless bento are purple sweet potato chips, pear slices, clementine orange sections and sliced kiwi for her preschool snack.

And my little Miss 2 year old has a LunchBots Quad.  From the top left are black seedless grapes, black rice pasta and Field Grain sausage, pear and clementine pieces and raspberries for lunch.

I admit there are days when I really miss the smell of dried leaves and the beautiful fall colors.  For my 4 year old daughter’s lunch, I tried to make a little autumn in her Easy LunchBoxes container.

I love finding new ways to reuse existing tools.  My readers have probably noticed my slight obsession with the small cookie cutter presses.  I loved the patterns they leave in the sandwiches.  This leaf cutter was part of a set for cutting fancy pie crusts.  I use them year-round for cutting fruit, vegetables and mini sandwiches.  The leaves are made from Rudi’s organic whole grain bread and filled with Trader Joe’s pumpkin butter.  The tree trunk is two pretzel rods.  Green grapes are the grass on a pick.  The top left is filled with organic rapsberries with an oak leaf & acorn pick.  In the top right there are 2 Crimson Gold tiny apples and a peeled clementine with a scarecrow pick.

Miss G’s snack is a Happy Tiffin brand stainless bento filled with cashews and dried edamame in the bottom container.  At the top are dried apricots, grape tomatoes and a peeled clementine.

For my 2 year old daughter, I packed a LunchBots Quad.  From the top left, she has long grain brown rice mixed with vegetables and black beluga lentils.  Green grapes and raspberries are in yellow silicone ovals at the top right.  In the bottom right compartment are Rudi’s organic whole grain bread cut into mini ice cream cones with a small cookie cutter plunger and filled with Trader Joe’s pumpkin butter and in the bottom left compartment is a peeled clementine and a small silicone container of marcona almonds.  Both girls have ice water with their lunches.

Things I used to make this lunch:

Wednesday is a perfect day for leftovers.  Mom’s feeling a bit under the weather so dump dinner in an Easy LunchBoxes container & voila.  Lunch is served.

Lunch today (dinner last night) is brown rice with mixed vegetables (broccoli, carrots, snow peas and onions) on top.  I packed a tiny sauce container of soy sauce.   In the top left container are grape tomatoes and in the top right are red grapes.

In her Happy Tiffin stainless bento, Miss G’s snack is a seckel pear, clementine sections, kiwi slices and a container of roasted pumpkin seeds.


Little Miss 2 year old has a LunchBots Quad for lunch.   From the top left are clementine sections with a star container of pumpkin seeds, red seedless grapes, star sandwiches with pumpkin pecan butter and a small Hail Merry brand chocolate vegan macaroon, and at the bottom left are mini carrots and sugar snap peas.

It’s almost trick or treat time.  I wish I could say that I’m ready, but I’m not.   My kids’ costumes were ordered and still haven’t arrived.  I am throwing a party in my front yard this year with my neighbor so we can feed the kids healthy food, play games and wear them out a bit before trick or treating.  We did the same last year, and they were pretty full from healthy food before all the candy so it was a success!  We made almond butter and jam sandwiches, fresh fruit, vegetable sticks with dip, hummus and pretzels and ice water. Any fun ideas that you all are planning?  I’d love to hear your ideas!

My 2 year old has a jack o lantern sandwich made from the heel of the bread loaf and filled with pumpkin butter spread.  She also has black olives, cantaloupe pumpkins, dried apricot pumpkins and at the top left is a nut and seed mixture with dried cranberries complete with zombie hand and tombstone.  At the top right is a peeled clementine packed in her Easy LunchBoxes container.

Little Miss G (4) has a similar lunch today.  She has the same jack-o-lantern sandwich, a jack-o-lantern clementine, pumpkin shaped dried apricots and trail mix of nuts and berries in her Easy Lunchboxes Mini dipper container.  At the top left is a seckel pear and at the top right are pumpkin shaped cantaloupe pieces packed in her Easy LunchBoxes container.

And for a snack I packed a Happy Tiffin stainless bento with raspberries, a clementine ghost and the round container full of cashews.

Happy weekend, everyone!

It’s not often that we have a freeze in South Florida, but with 28 degrees this morning it sure felt like snow!  Miss G got a snowflake sandwich (soybutter and jam again) with candy snowflake sprinkles today (adhered with honey).  She also got a peeled clementine with a hat, a miniature apple with a hat, carrot sticks and the joyful pig container with a bit of ranch dressing.

Miss A got another small version today since she’s not eating much for lunch.  She got a snowflake sandwich with soybutter & jam, cheddar soy crisps, watermelon snowflakes, a miniature apple, a tiny bit of blueberries and a dried apricot snowflake.  Both girls had a side of cinnamon applesauce and ice waters with their lunches.  Stay warm, everyone!

So Miss G was the only one who hadn’t been snacking all morning. She was VERY hungry by lunchtime.  She wanted a gingerbread man sandwich.  She got a PB & J on whole grain.  He has a candy sprinkle face and chocolate covered sunflower seed buttons.  Our lovely neighbor got us these awesome Egg Press plates for Christmas this year so we’re using them as much as we can.  Along with the sandwich are clementine slices and gingerbread men cheese pizza bites.

So I worked on a project for a local elementary school and decorated clementines tonight.  I got the idea from a picture I found on Pinterest and from some other bento bloggers.  The markers dry out quickly from the oils of the oranges, but it was fun drawing them all.



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